I was wrong. I was visited by The Good Herd, which is how I affectionately refer to my mailing list of customers. On Saturday it rained non-stop, at times one could look up and down the street and see nobody ... no attendees, and the artists were huddled back in their tents. But I made sales that day to members of The Herd, some of whom have bought my pots often enough that I know their names. They trekked out into the weather because they had something specific to buy, or to start their holiday shopping. On Sunday, the rain was much lighter and more people came out, and the sales were busy all day, to both current and new Herd-sters. Not only did I make back the expenses of the show, I did well even by good weather standards.
So the lesson learned was this ... know who your good customers are, keep them informed about your shows, let them know you appreciate them, and they will make your efforts worthwhile even on the worst weather days.
My brother Won was visiting from California that weekend, so he came to help me pack up at the end of the show. This usually takes me 1.5 hours, but with his help and my "lite" display, we were outta there is 30 minutes! A quick getaway after an exhausting weekend ... sweet!
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